Resources for Members

The Rising Tide Network has moved to the Mayyim Hayyim website.

Please visit to get up-to-date information about memberships, events, and resources.

Resource Portal for Members

Rising Tide Network members can now easily access and share resources with one another through our resource portal, a robust information bank and tool for collaboration and support.

Access the Resource Portal

Facebook Group for Members

Members are invited to connect and share in the Rising Tide Facebook Groups for Community Members (aspiring, emerging and existing mikva’ot) or Mikveh Guide Members.

Access the Community Facebook Group
Access the Mikveh Guide Facebook Group

Email Listserv for Members

When you become a member of the Rising Tide Network, you will be added a the RTmikvehstaff listserv. If you have any questions or needs about the listserv, email .

Email Rising Tide